Friday, February 7, 2014

Going Through the Motions

Yesterday I had one of those "going through the motions" sort of days. I went to work with the mindset of "I'm gonna go in there, get the stuff done, and get out of there." I wasn't thinking about the people that I'm helping (in the background) to see the healing and grace that Christ offers. 
After work, I picked up the kids and ran a bunch of errands. Instead of making the errands fun and interacting with the kids, I was only thinking about what was next on the list and looking at my watch. 
Before I knew it, the day was over and gone and opportunities were missed. It was wasted. I hate days like that! 
I went to bed thinking about how I don't have many days to waste. My days on earth are numbered! In the end, I will regret any day that was spent just running from thing to thing. I need purpose. I need something bigger than my to do list. 
God is bigger. In grace, in reality, in love and in purpose. 
Today is not ordinary. There is nothing in medical science that can make a heart start beating. In open heart surgery, the doctor can do absolutely everything right, but he can't make the new heart work. 
It's a miracle that I'm alive today. 

It's a miracle that I have these two gifts everyday. 

The sun is a giant ball of gas and we're on a giant ball of rock, spinning at a million miles an hour. Today is not ordinary. God has set it all into motion for a reason that's bigger than our tedious day to day. That reason is to make himself known through us, to everyone we come in contact with. The reason is to show His love. And that's what should be the reason behind everything I do. 

I thought about all this before I got out of bed today and asked God to set it so deeply in my heart that no amount of tedious task, no interactions or sink full of dishes, at least for today, can make me forget it. 
He spoke to me there, in His comforting, gentle way, and assured me that even when I forget, things still matter and that He's always there to remind me if I can just go to Him. And just when I thought our conversation was done, I got this in an email: 

Why obey God?

Eph. 6:5-6: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart (NIV).

Have you ever seen a child who is forced to apologize or say "thank you"? Their rigid posture and monotone voice betrays their real intent. Sometimes our obedience to God takes on a similar tone. It helps to ask ourselves, "Why do I serve the Lord?" Is it to gain His favor, earn His blessings, impress others with our "godliness", or avoid His wrath? Or is it because He commands me to do it?

As we are bombarded with the demands of life on earth, we often lose sight of the eternal perspective. Start your day by recognizing who He is and what He has done. This will help you obey Him not from a robotic sense of duty, but from the overflow of thankfulness that is in your heart. After all, He has already given you the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ. This gift was given to you long before you were able to serve Him in any way.

Obey God because you love Him above all things."

I'm so thankful that Jesus made a way for me to speak to God and that He's never far, no matter how distant my mind is.