The things I'm learning:
My home has been an idol. I've dressed it up and thought more about matching and accenting and decorating and cleaning it than I have paid attention to my true god and given priority to my family.
I love things that cannot love me back.
All of these things I love will fade, crack, fall apart, wear out and break eventually. Most of them are already showing the signs of aging. They are earthly. I must set my mind on things above.
I can't take anything with me when I die. I cannot build up store houses here. I must invest in His kingdom.
Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything he had and to give the money to the poor. He didn't tell everyone that. He probably only told me because I'm greedy and rotten and it was the only way to fix it.
I think I may not make a difference and I may not be able to give much in comparison to others, but I can do something rather than nothing. It will make a difference when I get to heaven. It make a difference to someone.
I am the hands and feet of Christ. I am acting on his behalf. He cares about the people I know about and ignore. He hears the cries of his children even when I/His hands are not obedient to help or serve or give.
I have much, and I must share it. "Anyone who has two shirts should share with someone who has none." I have over 50 shirts.
Hairbows on little girls don't really matter.
Fine clothes and jewelry don't make a woman beautiful.
I won't miss things as much as I think I will. I will forget them. Trends will come and go and my tastes will change.
Sometimes I am over emotional. Unfortunately, I often make decisions based on emotion. God can use that.
I imagine that I have needs that are not needs at all.
I have everything I will ever need to survive and thrive in my life.
I have been numbed to my luxury and didn't even know how grossly and opulently I live.
It is hard for a rich man to go to heaven.
It's easy to justify any greed or selfishness.
I actually like having less options. It's cleansing and freeing and less stressful. My house feels bigger with less stuff in it.
I'm not ready to let go of my curtains.
I might be crazy to sell everything. But then again, it's probably crazy to love curtains so much.
I am definitely crazy.
I love that you are so willing and humble to lay your life down for God's purpose. You are inspirational and everything you write is positive, uplifting, and challenges the rest of us!