Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Glimpse of Heaven/Evangeline Chesney Newborn Portraits

Hmmm.... I don't really have anything poignant to say, except that this sweet family reminded me of when Jake and I became a family of three. I guess I've been thinking about that time a little more since I'm pregnant again, and I've been really looking forward to those late night feedings when the house is so quiet and it's just me and a little itty bitty baby, sleepily falling more in love with my husband as I watch him stare in wonder at such a new little thing, and discovering how Audrey will interact with the new baby. I can't wait to see them love on each other!
I thought it might be a little selfish to start thinking about my own family as I'm writing a post about someone else's family, but I think it's a wonderful thing that parents can all relate in this way. It's a time filled with emotions that sticks in every parent's mind. I love that we as humans have common experiences and emotions that bring us together: I mean, once you discover that someone else is a parent too, you have a new way of understanding each other and you know that other person has a new way of understanding life in general. It's almost like being in a special club. I think that in heaven we'll all know the commonalities that we share and we'll all be bonded in a special way.
Seeing new parents is a little glimpse of heaven.
Congratulations John Mark and Faith! Welcome to the club! :)

love the sun flare!

Welcome to the world, beautiful Evangeline!
Silly bubble blowing girl! What a personality already!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Butlers and Life Groups

This little cutie is always so much fun to photograph. And she just turned two!
So dainty!
What a great little supermodel pose!

 This family goes to my church too and we spent a little time talking about something our church calls "life groups." We get together, share a meal and have a little Sunday school bible study time. They put emphasis on the "life" part, and we all make an effort to "do life together" sit sounds cheesy when I explain it, but it's actually pretty neat. I have a few really great friends that have been there over the years, plenty of good friends that I'm enjoying getting to know better and some acquaintances sprinkled in here and there, but the people I've been in life group with seem to fit in a different category. When you sit around and talk about the things God's teaching you, bringing you through and dealing with you about, there's a deeper connection and bond that forms. We dont' have to talk about our common interests or be updated on each and every detail in each other's lives to be connected. I think that's what the bible is talking about when it says "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35 emphasis added.) I love my life group and my church family!

Happy 20th anniversary you two!

Scenic City Boot Camp

Most of my sessions are portraits, and I was pretty excited to do something so different! Scenic City Boot Camp asked me to come in and photograph a boot camp class and a Zumba class. After watching people flip huge tires, do squat, sprints and even crunches with weights on their chests, I was feeling a little on the fat and lazy side.
 I told totally used the "but I'm pregnant!" excuse, but that usually isn't as convincing when you're just telling yourself. And to top it off, all these people were enjoying it and smiling after their workouts! Just look at those happy faces!

Well, I certainly got motivated! What do you guys do be healthy? What motivates you and how do you stay motivated?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Body Image

I was photographing this senior beauty and saw some movement in a nearby building. Boys. Staring. Of course. At first, I thought it was pretty funny. And it was.

 Then I started thinking about modesty. Not because she was being immodest -not in the least- but because sometimes as women, we won’t even notice how our bodies affect men, especially those who are peeking out of buildings in the background.  It’s funny because in my mind, which is constantly bombarded with advertisements shamelessly trying to sell products (you know the ones I’m talking about!), I often don’t measure up.  I think most men can easily see past the "sexy" of a supermodel ad. They're not so easily fooled. But not women: we resort to all sorts of things. I know plenty who have starved themselves, had plastic surgery, are shy with their husbands in the bedroom, or simply nitpick any and every part of their bodies. I'm certainly not excluded. I don’t like this or that part of my body, but yet somehow, I’m not paying enough attention to cover it up.
Yesterday, at church -yep, at church, the very place where I would hope a man could be safe from the temptation of ogling scantily clad women- I stuck my lip gloss into my “secret pocket,” commonly known as a bra. Ladies, you’re welcome for that tip. I didn’t notice that my shirt started slipping a little lower than I (and probably my husband) would have liked. But my two year old daughter did, and she grabbed my lip gloss out of my cleavage in front of everyone while I just sat there realizing that my boobs were halfway out. I don’t pay enough attention to modesty. Embarrasing.  

I think it’s a great trick of the devil to make women not only misunderstand the power of their femininity (to not even notice that our boobies may be causing some distraction somewhere), but to actually think the opposite and find their bodies unsightly -whether it be boobies, booties, feet, hair, eyelashes or elbows. 
So, now I’ve got two messed up and worldly ideas, immodesty and poor body image, going on in the same brain. Oh boy.
I love in scripture when Jesus is confronted with an A or B question and He gives a C answer that totally surpasses all the other options. (Matthew 22:23-33, Mark 12:13-17) So what’s the third option for how we think about our bodies and ourselves?  What does God want us to think about our bodies? How does He feel about them?  What do you guys think?

Hannah, I hope you know how beautiful you are! Congratulations!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Legacy isn’t something I thought much about until I reached adulthood, or maybe it was parenthood that did it for me. Actually, come to think of it, I think parenthood gave way to my grand entrance into adulthood… that’s another story. Anyway, I’m nearing my big honking late twenties in a couple of months and I want to know that my life has some meaning. Of course, my ultimate purpose is always to bring glory to God, to know Him and to love Him, but what about my meaning to this world? What am I leaving and teaching my children? What will they pass down to their children? How will that affect the all people they’ll work with, study with, and play with? What exactly will I leave this world?  

This couple, while celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, obviously is teaching their children that they’ve valued their marriage, along with commitment, perseverance, and dedication.  From the hour I spent with the family, I think they all must have learned a little something about fellowship, selflessness and community. All twelve people were staying in a house together and I didn’t hear any bickering. Not even close. That takes some selflessness! I’m sure I don’t know everything that was passed on in the Harrison family, but I’m glad it got me thinking about what’s being passed on, taught and valued in mine.

Also, it seems that the Harrisons also valued photography, from the past and the present. That makes them a-ok in my book! I love that they had this wedding photograph for fifty years!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Eph 5 and an Engagement Session

I had the privilege of meeting two engaged cuties the other day. I took their pictures at the Chattanooga Choo Choo, which was very romantic with all the flowerbeds, fountains, and iron work. I loved watching these two interact with each other. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves! Adorable. Adorable. Adorable couple.

As I left the Choo Choo, I was thinking about what a bright future these two seem to have, fresh out of college, moving to a new city, and quite obviously in love. I looked up, past the intersect ion, and saw the ugliest thing I’ve seen in a while. A big, honking, sign that simply read “1-800-DIVORCE”

And what a downer! I was feeling rejuvenated by this young couple’s affections, and thinking a blue bird might alight on my shoulder at any minute and sing a pretty little song to me. Thanks a lot for ruining my fairy tale, you big ugly sign! Coincidently, I hope this post isn’t a downer for this sweet couple…
I thought, I guess that’s how divorce is: a hideous thing that ruins daydreams and happiness. It breaks my heart. I hate that anyone would have to go through it.
I started wondering why divorce is so prevalent in our culture when it is clearly not at all God’s plan for marriage. Men are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church [all believers across time and space] Christ loves us a lot. And women are to respect their husbands as we do the Lord. When’s the last time I gave my husband as much credit as I give to God himself?? That’s some serious love and respect that would leave absolutely no room for divorce. Not even a speeding train could interrupt someone's attention if they were being loved and respected like that.
Love and respect like that would never be selfish. That’s what my problems always boil down to. I’m so selfish. My husband leaves his dirty socks on the coffee table, yes, you read that right. The coffee table. I’m annoyed because I’m grossed out. My husband doesn’t make my daughter share with him the way I want him to. I’m angry because I’m the one that deals with it at playdates when she fights over toys. My husband doesn’t like to plan, but I’m irritated because my schedule is inconvenienced.
If I look deep enough at the cause, I’m only ever angry when my comfort is jeopardized, when my feelings are hurt, when my way isn’t the highway.
It’s all about me.
Nope. It’s not even halfway about me. Marriage isn’t 50/50. It’s 100. 100% about the other person.
Jake, I pledge to make you feel like you’re 100% of my day to day, my love and my world. I know I won’t always get it right, but even when I'm feeling selfish, I never want to pick up anyone else’s dirty socks. Thank you for loving me even when I am selfish. That’s exactly the way Christ loves me.
Shawn and Kristen, I hope you guys can discover this kind of love that is a reflection of Christ, if you haven’t already, and that you’ll protect yourselves from anything ugly that might come against your marriage. Marriage is awesome. Enjoy it!

And that's my marriage advice. You're welcome.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Anticipation: Callie Seebach's Newborn Photographs

I could tell as soon as I met the Seebach's that they were proud new parents. Kara ended up sharing that they tried for six years before they became pregnant with Callie. What a wait! I can't imagine how happy they must have been to finally meet this precious girl after such a long wait! When I think of the growing Seebach family, I think of the start of the first family.
Genesis 2  
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.
God noticed that Adam needed a mate, but first, He brought EVERY animal to Adam for him to name and to look for a mate. How long would that have taken??  The dating world isnt' always fun, but going through every single animal? That sounds like it would test some patience:
"This as a mate?...
"A Giraffe?  No thanks, God. A little too...gangly."
"Hm....How 'bout this?.
"Elephant? Nah, I'll pass. That's a little too much to love, if ya know what I mean."
"Squid? Really? Don't even joke."  
When Adam opened his eyes, I bet he was just overwhelmed to see something made just for him after looking and waiting for so long. I love that the scripture switches to this poetic little piece of "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh..." instead of the narrative of the rest of the chapter.  Adam's heart must have been so full after his anticipation was finally met with a creature who was perfect for him. The Seebach's may have had a different kind romance hit their hearts when they met Callie, but I'm sure it was comparable to that first wave of love that washed over Adam and moved him to poetry. I'm sure that's why God made him wait: so he could fully appreciate her, so he could love her so well.

Eric and Kara, keep loving and appreciating this beautiful little piece of your own flesh and bone. She is perfect for you guys. Congratulations!

I love Kara's smile in this one. She loves that baby.

Mom and Dad gave her this necklace. I think she likes it.

What a princess. She's so beautiful!

My lens fogged up when I took it outside into the heat of the day. I waited for my camera to acclimate to the change in temperature, but I ended up liking the foggy photograph better. Especially with that lens flare. :)

The End!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A small world and small toes: Connor Gibbs Newborn Photography

The thing that stood out to me about this session wasn't so much the cute little newbie, although he IS pretty stinking adorbs, but it made me think about what small world we live in. I went to high school with a bunch of people, one of whom walked into my little coffee shop job one week before I moved to Chattanooga, and while we caught up, she told me she lives in Chattanooga. Later, I met Connor's mama when I ran into her and my high school buddy at the mall. At this session, while I chatted with Connor's sweet mother and grandmother, I learned that we have a lot of things in common: mutual friends, parenting experiences, and passions regarding serving our local ministries. They both have served at Choices Pregnancy Resource Center, where I've been volunteering for the past couple of years. After a bunch of, "Oh, so you know so-and-so?! Isn't she sweet!?" a friend of mine from a completely different circle knocked on the door. She was there to buy a baby wrap she found on the Chattanooga Mom's Exchange. Weird.
When we first moved from Fairhope to Chattanooga, I loved the anonymity of the "big city." It was completely opposite from the small town I'm from where you better have every hair in place if you're heading to Wal-Mart, cause there, you'll see at least five people you know and they'll all talk about your crazy hair behind your back. It's not total anonymity when I run to the store in Chattanooga now, but I'm beginning to see and appreciate the fact that we're all connected in some way. People can be different in so many ways, but it's reassuring to know that we're all unified in more than one way. We all know a so-and-so, we all feel the same things and we all are made for one divine purpose. Anyway, welcome to this beautiful, small world, Connor!

I love the wrinkles in this one! And the puppy hat is priceless!

He look so peaceful!

I like this angle... probably just because it's not the usual.

Connor and his adorable big sister.

And their tootsies!

I just love photographing itty bitty ones! Thank you, Amanda! Congratulations!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adams Anniversary and Maternity

These two cuties celebrated their pregnancy and their first wedding anniversary this past weekend. It was pretty hot for this session, somewhere around 95, but they were both troopers!

I love the name they have picked out!

This one looks pretty passionate... still newlyweds ;)

This girl is flawless!

The carousal people were so nice to let us sneak onto a horse for second! I'm glad I asked about it, cause I love this shot!

Congratulations you two! Thanks for letting me celebrate with you for the afternoon!