I had the privilege of meeting two engaged cuties the other
day. I took their pictures at the Chattanooga Choo Choo, which was very
romantic with all the flowerbeds, fountains, and iron work. I loved watching
these two interact with each other. They couldn’t keep their hands to
themselves! Adorable. Adorable. Adorable couple.
As I left the Choo Choo, I was thinking about what a bright
future these two seem to have, fresh out of college, moving to a new city, and quite
obviously in love. I looked up, past the intersect ion, and saw the ugliest
thing I’ve seen in a while. A big, honking, sign that simply read “1-800-DIVORCE”
And what a downer! I was feeling rejuvenated by this young
couple’s affections, and thinking a blue bird might alight on my shoulder at any
minute and sing a pretty little song to me. Thanks a lot for ruining my fairy
tale, you big ugly sign! Coincidently, I hope this post isn’t a downer for this
sweet couple…
I thought, I guess that’s how divorce is: a hideous thing
that ruins daydreams and happiness. It breaks my heart. I hate that anyone
would have to go through it.
I started wondering why divorce is so prevalent in our
culture when it is clearly not at all God’s plan for marriage. Men are to love
their wives as Christ loves the Church [all believers across time and space] Christ
loves us a lot. And women are to respect their husbands as we do the Lord. When’s
the last time I gave my husband as much credit as I give to God himself?? That’s
some serious love and respect that would leave absolutely no room for divorce. Not even a speeding train could interrupt someone's attention if they were being loved and respected like that.
Love and respect like that would never be selfish. That’s what
my problems always boil down to. I’m so selfish. My husband leaves his dirty
socks on the coffee table, yes, you read that right. The coffee table. I’m annoyed because I’m grossed out. My husband doesn’t make
my daughter share with him the way I want him to. I’m angry because I’m the one
that deals with it at playdates when she fights over toys. My husband
doesn’t like to plan, but I’m irritated because my schedule is inconvenienced.
If I look deep enough at the cause, I’m only ever angry
when my comfort is jeopardized, when my feelings are hurt, when my way isn’t
the highway.
It’s all about me.
Nope. It’s not even halfway about me. Marriage isn’t 50/50.
It’s 100. 100% about the other person.
Jake, I pledge to make you feel like you’re 100% of my day
to day, my love and my world. I know I won’t always get it right, but even when I'm feeling selfish, I never
want to pick up anyone else’s dirty socks. Thank
you for loving me even when I am selfish. That’s exactly the way Christ loves me.
Shawn and Kristen, I hope you guys can discover this kind of
love that is a reflection of Christ, if you haven’t already, and that you’ll
protect yourselves from anything ugly that might come against your marriage.
Marriage is awesome. Enjoy it!
And that's my marriage advice. You're welcome.